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Get Started


Integration wih AIBlock can be done simply and easily through the 2Way.js SDK. To get started, we can install it to our JavaScript/TypeScript project with npm:

npm install @2waychain/2wayjs

or alternatively with yarn:

yarn add @2waychain/2wayjs

Create AIBlock Wallet

Creating an instance of an AIBlock wallet can be done in three main ways:

  1. initNew: A new wallet, created from scratch for a new user
  2. fromSeed: An existing wallet, generated from a saved seed phrase
  3. fromMasterKey: An existing wallet, generated from a saved master key

Create a New Wallet

You can create a new instance of an AIBlock wallet via the SDK's initNew method:

    import { Wallet } from '@2waychain/2wayjs';

const CONFIG = {
mempoolHost: '',
passphrase: 'a secure passphrase',
/* Optional, subject to certain requests not being usable.

// Create the wallet object
const wallet = new Wallet();

// Initialize the wallet with the needed configuration
// NOTE: This is an async call
.then((initResult) => {
const [seedPhrase, masterKeyEncrypted] = initResult.content.initNewResponse;

// Display the seed phrase to the user for safe keeping

// Store the encrypted master key safely

This method needs a few parameters to be specified:

  • mempoolHost: The IP or domain of the mempool node you want to connect to. You'll need this to send and receive transactions from the chain *required
  • storageHost: The IP or domain of the storage node you want to connect to. You'll need this to make transactions on the network
  • intercomHost: The IP or domain of an intercom node you want to connect to. You'll need this if you want to make any 2-way transactions with other people/wallets
  • passphrase: The passphrase to encrypt your wallet's keypair/s. Make sure this is a super secure value *required

The initNew method is async, so you'll need to use a .then or await the result in order to get the wallet's seed phrase, for example. Once you have a seed phrase, you can always re-initialize the same wallet using that same seed phrase.

Generate an Existing Wallet

If you have an existing seed phrase and want to generate a wallet from it, you can use fromMasterKey or fromSeed methods:


When a master key already exists, this type of initialization should be used. This typically occurs when the wallet has been initialized previously using initNew and the encrypted master key has been stored safely. Using an existing master key will ensure that BIP39 keypair derivation is consistent. This type of initialization does not have a return value.

// Initialize the wallet with the needed configuration
wallet.fromMasterKey(masterKey, CONFIG);


Initialization of the wallet through the use of an existing seed phrase may happen for one of two reasons:

  1. The user has lost their keypairs and re-generation is needed by providing the seed phrase.
  2. A valid seed phrase has been pre-generated due to specific UX design constraints and needs to be used to initialize the wallet.

This type of initialization will return the corresponding master key (in an encrypted format) which was created using the provided seed phrase. This master key needs to be stored safely in the same manner as initialization using initNew.

const sp = 'existing seed phrase';
// Initialize the wallet with the needed configuration
wallet.fromSeed(sp, CONFIG).then((fromSeedResult) => {

const masterKeyEncrypted = fromSeedResult.content.fromSeedResponse;

// Store the encrypted master key safely

Offline Initialization

In some cases, it might be desirable to initialize the wallet without a network connection. This will allow the wallet to be used offline, but will inadvertently prevent the wallet from being able to perform any operations that require interaction with the AIBlock network. The following functions are available with an offline configuration:

  • regenAddresses - Re-generate lost keypairs from a list of given addresses.
  • getNewKeypair - Generate a new keypair.
  • getSeedPhrase - Get the existing seed phrase from memory (requires initialization from seed phrase).
  • getMasterKey - Get the existing master key from memory.
Offline Initialization

import { Wallet } from '@2waychain/2wayjs';

// Create the wallet object
const wallet = new Wallet();

// Initialize the wallet with the needed configuration
const initResult = wallet.initNew({passphrase: 'a secure passphrase'}, true).then((initResult) => {
const [seedPhrase, masterKeyEncrypted] = initResult.content.initNewResponse;

// Display the seed phrase to the user for safe keeping

// Store the encrypted master key safely

// Configuration
const config = {
mempoolHost: '',
storageHost: '';
intercomHost: '';

// Initialize network configuration when required
const initNetworkResult = wallet.initNetwork(config);

User-defined Methods

Many methods will either require or return different types of data depending on the operation. It is entirely up to the developer to store and retrieve data safely.

User-defined Methods

  function saveMasterKey(masterKeyEncrypter: IMasterKeyEncrypted): void {
// Write your I/O operations here to safely store the encrypted master key

function getMasterKey(): IMasterKeyEncrypted {
// Write your I/O operations here to safely retrieve
// the encrypted master key

function saveKeypair(keyPair: IKeyPairEncrypted): void {
// Write your I/O operations here to safely store the key pair

function getKeypairs(): IKeyPairEncrypted[] {
// Write your I/O operations here to safely retrieve
// the encrypted key pairs

function getAllEncryptedTxs(): ICreateTransactionEncrypted[] {
// Write your I/O operations here to get all encrypted
// transactions

function saveEncryptedTx(druid: string, encryptedTx: ICreateTransactionEncrypted): void {
// Write your I/O operations here to save the encrypted transaction
// with its corresponding DRUID value in a key-value format

Working with the Wallet

Once initialized, you can access all the functionalities within the wallet.

Generating Keypairs

AIBlock is a UTXO blockchain, so you can generate a new keypair, for example, by using the getNewKeypair method:

import { Wallet } from '@2waychain/2wayjs';

const wallet = new Wallet();

// ... Initialize the wallet correctly

// The array argument can contain existing keypairs to be used
const newKeypairResult = wallet.getNewKeypair([]);

// Final keypair
const newKeypair: IKeypairEncrypted = newKeypairResult.content.newKeypairResponse;

Fetch Balance

You can then do a number of things with the keypair, for example getting the address associated with that keypair and fetching its balance:

//... newKeypair initialized

// Get the associated address
const address = newKeypair.address;

// You can now fetch the balance for the address from the chain
const balanceResult = await wallet.fetchBalance([address]);
const balance = balanceResult.content.fetchBalanceResponse;

You can find the rest of the associated functions for your wallet in the SDK's README, but this should give you a good point to start from. Next, we'll see how to send and receive payments with the new wallet.