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Create an Item

Items in AIBlock can represent anything that lives completely on-chain: cryptocurrencies, fiat currencies (such as dollars), other tokens of value (such as NFTs), even financial products and derivatives. Once issued on the AIBlock chain, any item can be tracked, owned and traded in a distributed manner.

Any wallet can issue a new item, you can set the quantity of that item to issue, and none of it requires any smart contracts or complicated logic at any point. This makes the process of issuing items on the AIBlock chain quick and easy, needing only a few lines of code. Let's issue a new NFT, which will be an artwork:

import { Wallet } from '@2waychain/2wayjs';

const wallet = new Wallet();

//... Initialize the wallet correctly

// A keypair to assign our new item to
const newKeypairResult = wallet.getNewKeypair([]);
const newKeypair = newKeypairResult.content.newKeypairResponse;

// The metadata for our item
const metadata = {
imageURL: '...',
description: '...'

// Issue a new item, specifying all arguments
const createItemResponse = await wallet.createItems(
newKeypair, // Keypair to assign item to
false, // Generate a unique identifier for this item, if set to false
10000, // The quantity of the item to issue
JSON.stringify(metadata) // The metadata of the item

Critically, we set the defaultDrsTxHash argument to false, which will generate a unique identifier for this item that we can later track on the blockchain. The createItems method will provide default values for most arguments, meaning we can issue items even more simply:

// Create 1000 new items that have a unique identifier
const createItemResponse = await wallet.createItems(keyPair, false, 1000).content.createItemResponse;